On Monday 17 September 2001 01:27 am, Luis R Finotti wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having some problems to connect to my ISP (verizon.net) and was
> hoping that someone could help me...
> I just did a BIG "apt-get upgrade" (apparently even the Linux version was
> upgraded to a testing one), and I was prompted many times about
> configuration files, and instead of keeping mine (I thought that the
> package developers would know better than me) and used the ones that came
> with the package instead.  (I never had a problem before this upgrade.)

Well, if you modified any of them accepting the package maintainers would 
clobber yours.  dpkg might make backups though, I've never looked.

> In any case, when I try to connect, I get connected and disconnected right
> after.  A couple of times I could connect for like a minute...  and when I
> use the apt-get, I get connected while it download the necessary files,
> but as soon as it is done, I get disconnected.

Sep 16 15:35:52 debian diald[296]: Disconnected. Call duration 3225 seconds.

Well, it looks like you managed to connect for a while at one point.  You're 
aware that you're using diald, right?  Diald is a demand dialer that will 
only bring up your PPP link when there is outbound traffic, like so:

Sep 16 14:41:41 debian diald[296]: Trigger: udp     \
Sep 16 14:41:41 debian diald[296]: Calling site

It will drop the link after it has been idle for some brief period of time, 
which you can configure.

> I put some log files at
> http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/finotti/linux/logs
> if someone is willing to take a look... (you can see a short connection,
> that was done by "pon", and one long, done with "apt-get")

If you'd rather connect manually all the time with pon/poff, you'll want to 
turn diald off "/etc/init.d/diald stop" or completely remove it "dpkg 
--remove diald" which will remove the program, but keep your config files.

> I don't think it is the modem or the provider, since I can connect with,
> well, Windows...
> Sorry to bother you with that...  I would really appreciate any help
> though.

If I missed the point somewhere and I'm off base, let me know.

> Thanks a lot,
> Luis

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