On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 02:09:19PM +0000, John Griffiths wrote:
> found a somewhat ugly way to fake it, seems to be working though with -w
> the -s option talks about headerless data in the man page:
> The  decoded  audio samples are written to standard output, instead of 
> playing them through  the  audio device.   This  option  must  be used if 
> your audio hardware is not supported by  mpg123.   The  output format is
> raw (headerless) linear PCM audio data, 16 bit, stereo, host byte order.
> forgive my ignorance, is that a .wav file?

nope. WAV's have headers. So headerless wouldn't be it.

Although I think a .wav is just a fairly simple header tacked on to 
that raw PCM data; it's possible to generate a .wav header. Also, I 
think some cd-burning software (quite likely if it's linux :) can 
burn WAV or PCM or some other format. WAV should always work, tho.

Short answer: if -w works, go with it. :)

Mike McGuire

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