Martin F Krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> trying to get apache to authorize users through .htaccess. this isn't
> my first time, but it's not working and i am clueless.
> i can either configure the following settings via .htaccess (having
> set AllowOverride AuthConfig for Directory /, or i can put the lines
> into the Directory / container:
>   AuthType Basic
>   AuthName ""
>   AuthUserFile .htpasswd
>   AuthGroupFile /dev/null
>   Require valid-user
> no matter where i place .htpasswd, or how i name it, whether i give
> its location relatively to ServerRoot or absolute anywhere on the
> machine, apache complains in its error.log that
> [error] user madduck not found: /

Do you have a 'loadmodule sys_auth_module ...' in your http.conf?

If yes, comment it out. That was what my box didn't like back when I
had the problem to get the user-auth to work at all.

Tschoe,       - Fingerprint:
 Jens                  1AAB 67A2 1068 77CA 6B0A  41A4 18D4 A89B 28D0 F097

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