On Thursday 27 September 2001 16:41, Vittorio wrote:
> I have an almost pure potato 2.2r3 installation (only 2.4.9 kernel is a
> stranger!) and now I need to download gimp 1.2 which is part of woody &
> testing. Issuing 'apt-get install gimp1.2' from woody I see that it
> requires to download some more new-updated libs and many files for  xfree86
> 4.1.
> Before going on with this 'dirty' action I'd like to have your most revered
> advice.

I'd be interested in people's response to this as well and, in fact,  was 
just about to send a similar plea for advice to the list myself.

At the moment I'm pure potato 2.2r3 and I have the testing lines in 
sources.list commented out. Now, though, I want to install phpmyadmin 2.2.0-1.

Will this, my first use of a package from testing, be simply a matter of 
uncommenting the testing lines in sources.list, doing
apt-get update, installing the package and then living happily ever 
afterwards; or is it much more likely to be the opening of a can of worms 
involving an exponential steepening of the learning curve, etc.

Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts,
Nigel Pauli - I.T. Manager
St. John's School, Northwood, U.K.

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