On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 12:18:09AM -0500, Josh McKinney wrote:
> I have what seems like a simple question but has become tough to find an
> answer.  I have been playing around with Emacs for a little while and have
> noticed one thing thats really bothers me.  Why can't I tab(indent) a new line
> in c-mode?  Basically when I open a *.c file and want to indent a line I hit 
> tab
> and nothing happens.  This is only is c-mode.  This also happens if there is 
> no
> .emacs file in the homedir also.

My observation - Emacs does a excellent job with C/C++ code.  Most of
the time if I hit tab and it doesn't indent where I expect it to go, it
is because I have a syntax error, such as a missing semicolon or
parenthesis.  Once I fix that problem the indentation works correctly.
I think I am a better programmer because of it.  I pick up on those
little errors while writing code, not as compilation errors.

For syntax highlighting here are a couple of lines from my .emacs file
which I believe are the right ones:

(setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

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