joey tsai wrote:
> Hi,
> My drive appears to be full via df:
> [corban][05:07pm][~] $ df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1              61M   59M     0 100% /
> However, I'm not exactly sure I'm even getting 57M used:
> [corban][05:09pm][/home/joeytsai] # du -shx /
> 23M /

  some file might still be opened by programs, even if you delete files
(the files are not accessible via filesystem anymore (not visible using
ls etc.)) the files are still there. You have to make the programs close
the files, e.g. by closing the programs.

  try lsof to see which files are opened by which programs, iteven says
which files are deleted:

jojda:/home/erik# lsof|grep rrrwww
gvim      10917      erik    7u   REG       3,71    12288    390986
jojda:/home/erik# rm  /home/erik/.rrrwww.swp
jojda:/home/erik# lsof|grep rrrwww
gvim      10917      erik    7u   REG       3,71    12288    390986
/home/erik/.rrrwww.swp (deleted)

  so just run (as root):

  lsof|grep '(deleted)$'

  use -F and s to find out the size of file...

> I find this slightly disconcerting, and was wondering if anybody else
> has experienced this before.


> Any suggestions?  Please CC to me, I'm not subscribed.

  if you are not subscribed you can check responses in newsgroup or on
the web ( has searchable archives)


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