- Re: ppp problem -
 On Monday Oct 08 05:24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > ** hi, all 
 > ** I'm new to linux and I'm experiencing a problem that is at least a bit 
 > odd: 
 > ** I first installed the kernel 2.2.17 and wvdial was working fine, then I 
 > ** installed kernel 2.4.9 and wvdial stopped working properly
 Do you run Potato? I think so, cause kernel 2.2.17 comes with Potato.
 If you run Potato you have a big problem: You can't use kernel 2.4.x
 with Potato.
 Kernel 2.4.x needs a newer version of the packages ppp and modutils.
 Woody has this packages. Potato not.
 But you can do something. Cause you are new to Linux, you could ask in
 this newsgroup how to get newest ppp and modutils packages for Potato.
 I think there are some people who compiled this for Potato. But i don't
 know where to get them.
 Then you could compile this two packages by yourself. But this is a
 very hard thing. I would do nothing like this. It takes a lot of time.
 Much other packages of Woody are needed to compile bevore.
 Then you could upgrade your Potato box to Woody. Woody is not stable.
 Some bugs could bring you trouble. But most packages are ok. I run
 Woody since some Months and have only one tool, that makes some
 trouble. But it's not very bad. And Woody will become stable in the
 next time.
 Nothing is impossible!
 You only need to know the way and price.

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