Steve Kowalik wrote:
> At 10:05 am, Tuesday, October  9 2001, Stephen Gran mumbled:
> > p.s. - I'm told the debian way is much easier, but I've never used it,
> > so others can tell you more.
> >
> AHHA! The Debian Way!
> Basically, you can install a kernel-source .deb from apt, or download a
> tarball from, it doesn't really matter.
> And then, you run 'cd /usr/src/linux (or wherever) and; make-kpkg 
> --revision=`hostname`.1 kernel-image'

  first copy your former .config to the new kernel directory and run
make oldconfig, it will only ask new question (usually not many of
them), if you don't have old .config file that you, of course, need to
do a real kernel configuration (see kernel docs).

  I also add epoch so that the kernel is not overriden by debian kernel:

  make-kpkg --revision 99:`hostname`.0 kernel_image

  if you have additional modules, e.g. alsa-source, those should be
unpacked into ../modules (relative to kernel) run (it uses the same
revision as kernel_image):

  make-kpkg modules_image

  you will end up with *.deb file in .., you can install those using
dpkg -i


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