Hello all.

I am trying to get a friend's Debian Potato box to work with his Z11
(Lexmark) printer.  All the example files that I've found on the web
are for SuSE distros.  I know from past conversations that there are
a few here who also use the SuSE distribution on their various boxes.
I would really appreciate it if someone could send me the file
indicated in the subject line, as I could then do a side-by-side
comparison with the equiv file in Potato.  They differ greatly enough
that I can't just use the info on the webpage to patch up the Potato
file.  At least not with my shell scripting abilities as they stand.

If someone has working Potato apsfilter script for this printer, that
would be even better.  I've checked the archives, and the only thing I
could find was in Spanish, which I can't read :\

Thanks in advance,
Mike Pfleger

There's seventy brilliant people on earth.
Where are they hiding?
"Yashar" -Cabaret Voltaire (off of "2x45")

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