On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 01:27:11PM -0300, Vitor Silva Souza wrote:

|       I installed potato using the CDs. I used dselect to select packages to 
| install and I left it unchanged, that means I did not install any X 
| packages. Afther that, I changed the apt source to testing and ran "apt-get 
| dist-upgrade". Then I installed wmaker and all the dependencies (and some 
| suggestions/recommendations) using dselect. I configured xserver-svga, thus 
| creating /etc/X11/XF86Config.

Which version of X are you using?  Version 4 has only 1 server
(xserver-xfree86) whereas version 3 had many (xserver-svga being one
of them).

|       When I tried to run startx, it didn't existed. Neither did xinit or any 
| documentation about it ('locate xinit' didn't return anything). Then I 
| tried installing some other packages such as xserver-xfree86, but that 
| didn't install xinit or created startx. 

Those are in xbase-clients.

| Also I noticed that xf86config didn't existed, 

because ver. 4 doesn't need one.  Just run 'XFree86 -configure'

| but a xf86config-v3 did. 

because ver. 3 had it and needs it.  Also the format of the config
file has changed.

| Is everything just broken or did I do something wrong in the
| process? What package do I need to install to have xinit, startx and
| xf86config in my system?

BTW, if you enable the framebuffer in the kernel, you can have X use
the 'fb' driver and there is very little config necessary.  I use it
this way.  It's not accelerated (for my hardware) but it runs very


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