just send me a bag of whatever you're smoking.

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 06:49:40 Joseph Katirimah wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I  am a close confidant to the family of the late
> President of the Federal Republic of Zaire, Late
> President Mobutu 
> Sese Seko,(now Republic of Congo,under the leadership
> of Joseph 
> Kabila, son of  Late Laurent Kabila). I presume you
> are aware there is a financial dispute between the 
> Mobutu family  and the present  Government of Joseph
> Kabila of the Congo.This is based on what they believe
> as bad and corrupt governance on the part of the Late
> President Mobutu Sese Seko. May his soul rest in
> peace.
> Presently, I cannot do business in many countries of
> the World openly because of the new  government of
> Joseph Kabila of my country making propaganda that
> puts the name of the Late President Mobutu Sese Seko
> to disrepute in the eyes of the Western World. As you
> might have read by now, a lot of  President Mobutu
> bank accounts in Switzerland and North America have
> since been frozen.
> Following the above mentioned reasons, I am soliciting
> for your confidential assistance to take custody of 
> Twenty five Million United States
> Dollar(US$25,000,000.00), also to front for me and the
> Mobutu Family in the areas of business you desire 
> profitable and see viable.This fund in question is
> funds earned by myself and President Mobutu's family
> from the sale of Timber while the Late President was
> alive.
> This sum of US$25M has secretly been deposited with a
> Security Company in Europe where it can easily be
> withdrawn or paid to a recommended beneficiary.
> The funds will be released to you by the Security
> Company based on my recommendations, on that note, you
> will be presented as my partner who will be fronting
> for me and the Mobutu family in any subsequent
> ventures.
> To show my appreciation, I shall give you 20% of the
> total funds and 20% commission on any profit realized
> in the investment of this fund for your role in this
> busines.
> Please, I need your entire support and co-operation
> for the success of this business ventures, your utmost
> confidentiality and secrecy is highly required. 
> I sincerely will appreciate your acknowledgement as
> soon as possible.You can always contact me
> Yours sincerely,
> Joseph Katirimah
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