on Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 01:54:16AM -0800, Brian Nelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Steve Kieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > My god, Mozilla is fine if you got 128Mb RAM and at
> > least 200MHz CPU. If less than that, I would recommend
> > Opera, althouth some buggy in file upload and no java
> > support, but it is fine. Opera will add and fix soon I
> > hope. Another one should be Galeon, promising ....
> Right, and *nobody* these days has 128MB and a 200MHz CPU these days.
> Get real.  Opera is non-free commercial crap.  In the unlikely event
> you're trying to use a web browser on an under-powered machine, you'd
> be better off using w3m/lynx/skipstone/etc...

...or dillo, or browsex, a very lightweight, but featureful, browser.

One of my systems is a PPro 180.  Mozilla, Galeon, and Skipstone are too
heavy for it.  Netscape 4.x is an inexcuseable piece of crap.  You're
better off with a 3.x version of it, or one of the other browsers


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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