>I would like to know what file is used for setting up ip addresses and
>gateway. What about interfaces, how can I create more than 2 lan cards
>enable. Let say, I got 2 3com nics.

The file is /etc/network/interfaces.  See man interfaces for more

>In redhat, I used rpm. What pkg installer should I use in debian?

dpkg is the equivalent.  However, Debian is not the same as Red Hat.
Use "apt-get install a_package" to install a package, it's cool.

>Can I also untar linux-2.2.19.kernel.source.tar.gz under /usr/src and do
>the same stuff I've been doing for a long time? make menuconfig dep
>clean modules modules-install bzImage. Should I also copy the compiled
>kernel to /boot and edit lilo.conf then run lilo?

That works for me.

>Where can I find rc.local? What is the similar redhat init scripts
>/etc/rc.d/init.d in debian?

Debian has no exact equivalent to rc.local.  You can use put a script
into /etc/rc.boot/ to have that run, though.


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