Dave Carrigan wrote:
> Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   and here's my ~/.sieve file (straight from managin imap book):
> >
> > if header :contains "subject" "123 testing sieve" {
> >   reject "testing sieve message rejected!";
> > }
> >
> >   but when I send myself an email with subject "123 testing sieve" it it
> > is not rejected.
> >
> >   where do I go from here?
> First, check that cyrus put an X-sieve header in the message. If the
> message doesn't have an X-sieve header, then sieve was never
> run.

  yes! it's there, at least that...

> Second, you probably need a "require reject;" line at the top of your
> .sieve file. Sieve can't take any actions unless you require the modules
> that implement those actions. (Note, that applies to cyrus 2; I'm not
> even sure if cyrus 1 supports reject.)

  does cyrus create any log? I can't find anything (in /var/log, some
mail related logs are only used by fetchamil and postfix, there's
nothing in syslog)

  I mean if there's an error in sieve file I would expect it to be
written somewhere, as of now I don't even know whether the file was

> Finally, depending on what sieve things you want to do, you have to
> deliver mail to cyrus using LMTP. "require fileinto" will work fine
> without LMTP, but "require vacation" needs "require envelope", and that
> requires LMTP. It's a good idea to learn how to deliver with LMTP
> anyway, because cyrus 2 requires LMTP for everything.
> What MTA are you using?

  postfix. it has the lmtp transport method, but how do I set the cyrus
side? or is it automatically set? I cannot find any docs on this (I
search the google, postfix.org and cyrus home page), there are some
pieces of info but very scattered and I cannot figure out how to put it



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