On Sunday 25 November 2001 17:41, Phil Beder wrote:
> I downloaded Netscape browser 6.2 from the netscape site in my
> windows partition as I dont have any means to browse the web
> in linux yet.  [snip to end of line, jg]

That you are aware of :)

> toward the directory in my windows partition with the
> compresed file in .gz format.  dselect did not recognize any
> dowloaded packages that were not in .deb format.  What should
> I do.

Get back in Linux :) 

do this:
apt-get install wget

which will install the wget program.  Then do:
wget -nd http://path/to/netscape6.2.tar.gz

next do:
tar xzf netscape6.2.tar.gz

or maybe if it's not a tarball:
gunzip netscape6.2.gz

Look inside the directory.  There should be a file called 
INSTALL or README.  Use "vi" to open it and do what it says.

Good luck.


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