"jennyw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Anyway, the first thing you should do is try to apt-get remove (or
> > dpkg --purge, if you're feeling vindictive and don't mind handling
> I just tried this; same results as before.
> > Also: when you say "X won't load", what do you mean? Does it go straight
> I start X using /etc/init.d/gdm start.  The screen blinks for a bit, then it
> stops, then it blinks for a bit more, then it stops, then it does it again.
> I assume it's trying the three video modes (640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768)
> that I selected, and is finding that none of them works. By the way, my
> system apparently has no startx.
> I did read on the XFree86.org Web site that there are known problems with
> the ATI driver. I have an ATI Rage Pro Turbo AGP.
> Any other suggestions? I did have this working well under Potato.
> Thanks!
> Jen

Just a shot in the dark here, based on my seeing these EXACT symptoms
multiple times after an upgrade to Woody.

Check out your /var/log/XFree86.?.log file(s) and see if it gives you
any clues.  It can be quite long, so I suggest you page to the end and
work backwards first.  Dollars-to Doughnuts, towards the end it will say
something about "can't find fixed font" or something like that.  If you
see this message, try re-installing the xfonts-base package.  For some
reason this package seems to get messed up on install rather frequently
here....especially when upgrading.  Continue checking this file and
correct any other errors it might have.  

The log message can point to other problems too...use it as a guide in
your search.  It might point towards other missing packages or files. 
If you find a file missing, you can look up which package contains this
file on the Debian packages page and re-install THAT package.  Post it
here if you can't seem to get it going on your own.

Cheers & Good Luck!
-Don Spoon-

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