On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 12:45:59AM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote:
> I have never tried to use X on anything less than 1024x768, but why
> should it be any worse than running MS Windows at the same resolution?
> (Purely considered as a graphical display -- ignore the issue of MS
> Windows crashing left and right.)

It often just feels like X app authors assume all users run at fairly
high resolutions, and Windows app authors don't. In terms of
cramped-ness, Windows at 800 by 600 feels about the same as X at 1024 by
768. This is of course completely subjective, and certainly dependant on
the kinds of apps you want to run (the Gnome desktop environment, in my
case), but yeah. There you go :).


Andrew Sione Taumoefolau

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