In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Brent Kearney  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm running the 'woody' distro on a PC with Linux 2.4.12-ac6. I 
>installed the 'nis' debian package, and followed the nis.debian.howto 
>that comes with that package.  The setup went smoothly, and ypbind was 
>able to contact the NIS server.  ypcat works.  However, NIS users are 
>unable to authenticate to the system using SSH.  

Did you setup /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/passwd correctly?

>       hostname:/var/log# tail -f auth.log
>       Dec 13 17:25:52 hostname sshd[1204]: input_userauth_request: illegal 
>       user brent

In other words, the system doesn't use NIS yet.

>       hostname:/var/log# ypcat passwd | grep brent
>       brent:CrYpT3DP4ss:1059:200::/home/foo/brent:/usr/local/bin/tcsh

Okay, so ypbind works, and your NIS server is up. That doesn't mean the
system is actually using it. What does 'id brent' say?

>It appears that Redhat had a similar problem, but has a solution.  I
>tried copying the pam_pwdb modules from a redhat box (with the libs),
>and subsituting it for pam_unix in /etc/pam.d/ssh and login, but no

Do NOT use pam_pwdb. It's evil and must die.

Deadlock, n.:
        Deceased rastaman.

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