Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> * Erik Steffl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> ...
> >   generally, filename should be allowed to be basically any text. I see
> > no reason to limit it (well, the general consesnsus among most of the
> > unix(-like) implementations is that you cannot include '\0' and '/').
> > And I see no reason to put limits on this because of inadequate tools...
> > it's the tools that need to be fixed, not filenames.
> Wrong. There's a reason why people with half a clue don't put
> spaces in paths, and inadequacy of tools is not it. Unless your

  people with .75 or more of a clue can usually work with filenames with
spaces (it's slightly more inconvenient, generally).

  I admit that people with half a clue might have problems...

> computer can read minds, it has no way of telling when the
> whitespace's supposed to be input separator, and when it's just
> a part of filename.

  that's the inadequacy of the tool doing the parsing. what's so
difficult in understanding that one should not use the same character as
valid field character and delimiter?


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