All I did was write a /etc/apt/sources.list file to get potato off the
UK ftp site, 'cause I needed a couple of programs that weren't on my
machine when I got it. That worked fine, then I tried an update /
upgrade thing and suddenly lost control....

It wants to upgrade my kernel image, it had me rename the old kernel
image with a .old file extension - what directory it was in I have no
idea... So, it installed a new kernel image - if it's got the same name
as the old one will I need to change my /etc/lilo.config file, if I do
need to change it, how....? I'd need to create a new /vmlinuz file and
other stuff, I think. Again, I've no idea how to do that... Do I need to
recompile the kernel (how?) Anything else?

Apt-get was asking me if I wanted to create a boot floppy, I'm guessing
that I don't want to. What about a boot block (whatever one of those
is...) I still need / want to be able to access the other OS on the box

In the present state it works, but not perfectly. I won't have access to
my PCMCIA card (and hence the internet) until it's all sorted out...

Thanks. I'd really appreciate a step by step guide to getting everything
running smoothly again.


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