On 26-Dec-01 Karsten M. Self wrote:
> The problem isn't just vi, though.  _Most_ Unix commands are based on
> mnemonic, consonant-heavy, abbreviations:  ls, cd, rm, mv, ll, who, vi,
> ps, mutt, df....  Most of these are balanced between left and right
> hands, leading to good natural rhythems, many are based on home-row
> keys, etc.  Two of the most annoying Dvorak keytrokes are 'ls' (both
> right pinky) and 'cd' (right middle top row, right index home left
> reach).  It sounds trivial, but you end up typing these repeatedly, and
> the motor memory is hard to break.

While that last sentence is very true, it's not an argument
for or against any particular keystroke combinations.

If you change keyboard layout, you have to re-learn. And if
you change back, you have to re-adapt.

For what it's worth, if I have a long session at the computer
keyboard (e.g. writing a report), then it takes a short while
before I can play the piano properly again. And vice versa.
It's Karsten's "motor memory" thing. I have to "flush the
motor buffers", so to speak. But this doesn't mean that
I should re-write the music, nor that I need a "piano locale"
on my computer ...

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 26-Dec-01                                       Time: 09:41:17
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