On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 12:42:20PM +1000, john wrote:

:2) We upgrade to testing.
:Is it safe? <image of Marathon Man>. Who is running production servers
:on testing? what if any issues have arisen?

Well, not production servers.  I do have a mix of workstations some
testing, some stable, and a few I've pulled tricks on.  We don't
"support" testing so the fact that I haven't heard complaints doesn't
indicate a lack of problems.

But in a few cases where someone had a demonstrated need for newer
tools than stable provides (wxpython, XFree4) I've switched to testing
installed the required packages (which ofcourse pulls the new glibc)
and then switched sources.list back to stable.  This has worked
extremely well.

As I said these are user workstations not mission critical.  If you
can install a test system and then stress test it, then you'll see if
this can work for you.

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