On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 01:09:56PM +0100, Erik Andreas Fjogstad Brandstadmoen 
> Eric C. Cooper wrote: 
> > > |         The main question we need answered is what version of Debian is
> > > | required for this architecture?  Alpha, ARM, SPARC, ...?
> > 
> > SGI used MIPS processors for their workstations.
> MIPS R2000, R3000 and R4000 (I think), to be more precise.
> I don't think Linux is ported to this architecture. The OS was IRIX, and
Linux runs on nearly everythink :)
Do you know about Agendas VR3 PDAs? The software is not as good as the one
for Palm but the hardware is very cool 66Mhz Mips CPU without coprozessor and
16MB RAM. It's running linux 2.4.0-test9 with Xfree 4.x

I saw a several Indy Workstations on the LinuxTag 2001 in Stuttgart/Germany.
So it's portet and running.

> it wasn't the best. Lots of security holes, no fixes...
> I programmed asm on Indy in a hardware course.
Hm they fix the holes from time to time ;)
I'm not a coder but from the user view Irix runs very fine.
I've a remote shell on a Indy2 box and the system is much more comfortable
then Solaris for example.


>Lamer! :)\n Lokaler Admin mit enormen Rechten[tm]
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