On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:40:02AM +0000, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> I've recently started using mailfilter (called as a precommand from 
> fetchmail) and it works really well. (I have had a couple of mail addresses 
> faked by spammers, so I've had tens of thousands of mail bounces over the 
> last month.)
> If a mail slips through, I add another rule to cope. However, I find it is 
> not deleting mail messages where the mail address does not appear in the To: 
> field, but appears as a 'for' line elsewhere in the header. In the example 
> below, the faked address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I have set 
> up a DENY filter to delete it from the server. But it doesn't work. Is there 
> something wrong with my regexp?
> ----vvvv ---- Filter in .mailfilterrc ---- vvvvv -----
> # Filter rules for detecting spam (each rule must be placed
> # in a seperate line)
> # These filters detect certain unpleasant e-mail subjects:
> ---- ^^^ ----- Filter in .mailfilterrc ---- ^^^^ -------
You have to Escape the dots (.)  with a backslash (\)


Maybe their are other things wrong.

btw, if you get a lot of mails (me ist about 400-600 a day) it might be faster
to do the thing with procmail. I've no flatrate (ISDN paying per minute) and
it took me a lot of time checking 400 mail with say 30-40 pattern.
So I decided to block only aol, msn and other in the frontier and I'll set up
the rest with procmail.


Lamer! :)\nLokaler Admin mit enormen Rechten[tm]
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