On 16-Jan-02 Kent West wrote:
>>>On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 04:55:05PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
>>>>And being able to have Left Justified, Center Justified, and Right 
>>>>Justified text all on the same line, so you don't have to throw in a 
>>>>bunch of spaces to get everything to (maybe) line up.
>>>For those who don't grok this, look at the top of any man page:
>>>man(1)                  Manual pager utils                 man(1)
>> That can be done with a center tab and a right-aligned tab.
>> Ross
> Yes, but then you have to go tweaking the tab settings, and then
> setting them back to normal afterward. This method works, but WP's
> was simpler.

Following up on this specific point, and linking to groff as well,
you do this in {g|t}roff with

  .tl 'man(1)'Manual pager utils'man(1)'

(".tl" is a "title line" tag; ".tl 'X'Y'Z'" sets X left-aligned
(see, I learned!), "Y" centred, and "Z" right-aligned. As its name
suggests, its main usage is for running headers, but you can
use it anywhere on the page. "X", "Y" or "Z" could be empty.

  .tl ''Header'page_number'

(This is as easy as any way of doing it in WP).


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Date: 16-Jan-02                                       Time: 20:08:12
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