On Sun, 2002-01-27 at 13:48, Michael A. Miller wrote:
> My current arrangement is hda = Debian with lilo/mbr and hdb =
> Win98.  I think that I can dual boot if I can arrange it so that
> hda = Win98 with lilo/mbr and hdb = Debian.  
> Are there any lilo experts who know how to get lilo to write a
> boot block to a drive while convincing it that the hard drive IDs
> are what they'll be after I rearrange them?
Well my suggestion would be to switch the drives to win98 being on hda
and debian being on hdb.  Then I would use the bios to boot off of hdb(I
think it will be called secondary master or hd03?) and then edit
lilo.conf, run lilo, and reboot setting your bios to boot off of
hda(primary master).  
> If that isn't possible, can anyone suggest another way to add
> win98 to an existing Debian machine?
If your bios doesnt support booting off of a non primary master
harddrive, then I would grab a boot disk and set up your harddrives as
mentioned above.  Then you could boot into your drives using
"linux root=/dev/hdb1" (assuming hdb1 is your root partition) at the
boot prompt for the boot disk.  Then modify your lilo... 

Just so you know, I was in a similar predicament a while back and I used
the first suggestion and it worked just fine.  Maybe someone else has a
better suggestion, but this is what I did.

-Scott Henson


 "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty: power is ever stealing from
the many to the few.  The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each
day, or it is rotten... The hand entrusted with power becomes, either
from human depravity or esprit de corps, the necessary enemy of the
people.  Only by continual oversight can the democrat in office be
prevented from hardening into a despot: only by unintermitted agitation
can a people be kept sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty
be smothered in material prosperity... Never look, for an age when the
people can be quiet and safe.  At such times despotism, like a shrouding
mist, steals over the mirror of Freedom"
- Wendell Phillips

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