Andreas Schockenhoff wrote (on 20 Feb 2002 at 22:30):

> doch:
> dpkg -S /etc/inetd.conf 
> dpkg: /etc/inetd.conf not found.

pumpkin:/pub/software/Linux# dpkg -S inetd.conf
debmake: /usr/share/debmake/debian/inetd.conf.ex
netbase: /usr/share/man/man5/inetd.conf.5.gz

> und was ist an diesen Dateien anders als z.B.
> dpkg -S /etc/wgetrc       
> wget: /etc/wgetrc

Without looking, lemme guess: maybe they're tarred from one 
location and installed to another (after some install-time 
modification) by a post-install script?

-- Tony Crawford
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

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