Has anyone used mozilla through vnc and had it work?  I've got vnc
server running on one of my computers.  I set this up so that my dad
can easily play with Linux and get comfortable with it without having
to partition/dual boot his NT box.  Because of this, I'm trying to get
the vnc server box to be as "user friendly" as possible.  So I put KDE
and StarOffice on there.  They both work admirably through VNC.

However, mozilla is a bit strange: it will load, and the window will
be created, but the content of the window is entirely black!  xrefresh
doesn't do anything.  The mouse will appear over the blackness.  It
appears as though mozilla is actually working---I did a bunch of
random clicking with the mouse, and got mozilla's half pointer/half
stopwatch to appear.

Furthermore, this problem exists with both the linux xvncviewer client
and the windows nt vncviewer program.  I'm guessing this has something
to do with mozilla... but I don't know what that would be.

Anyone seen this?  Any ideas?



``I ain't never seen no whiskey, the blues made my sloppy drunk!''
        -- Sleepy John Estes, ``Leaving Trunk''

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