I have version 2.2 of Debian, running on a laptop.  I recenty
tried using dpkg to install the version of xlibs in "testing" and
got the messages:

> dpkg: considering removing xlib6g in favour of xlibs ...
> dpkg: no, cannot remove xlib6g (--auto-deconfigure will help):
> aalib1 depends on xlib6g (>= 3.3.5)

   When I tried adding the auto-deconfigure option, I got:

> dpkg: considering removing xlib6g in favour of xlibs ...
> dpkg: yes, will remove xlib6g in favour of xlibs.
> dpkg: /home/wichert/sources/dpkg-1.6.14/main/archives.c:601:
>   check_conflict: Assertion `fixbyrm->clientdata->istobe == itb_normal' 
>   failed.

   I am tempted to try dpkg --remove xlib6g, but would like some
assurance that this won't damage my system.

   Thanks for any help!

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