On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 19:39:03 +1100
Davor Balder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I use AbiWord as well as OpenOffice... OpenOffice is nice too if you
> need plenty of nice features... As far as I am concerned, OpenOffice is
> my favorite for communications with those poor Word users... As a matter
> of fact I was writing all of my resumes with OpenOffice, converted docs
> to Word format and attached the with my job applications when I was
> looking for work... 
> We've had decent and professional WordProcessing packages for Linux for
> some time now... :-)

Hi Davor. Thanks for your input.

OK, I do have StarOffice 6 Beta installed and it is OK, still very large.
I tried OpenOffice yesterday and it wasn't nearly as stable. The first
thing I noticed was that when I clicked on any menu item (like File..
Edit.. etc.) the drop down menus were not navigable with my mouse - they
simply disappeared as soon as I tried. I could use the arrow keys on my
keyboard but is was awkward. OpenOffice crashed a few times on me too.
What version are you using? I downloaded the 641C version - but that was
dated March 2001. Surely much must have happened in a year. The latest
versions must be wonderful - how do you get them? What about compiling
from source? Is it a problem?

It just seems that we rarely get a polished product. I use Office 95 at
work, and Word, Excel etc. open in a split second and are very stable. I
also have the Windows version of StarOffice 6 and the startup splash
screen stays on the screen for *ages* before anything happens.

I am quite happy to pay money for a product. I bought Applix - nice, but
still plenty of bugs/annoying features. As a teacher I do a lot of
DTP-type work (worksheets etc.) and the ability to have pictures/diagrams
in frames which can be moved around is essential. A 'Word Art' feature
would also be extremely useful. For those who don't know it, Word Art is
an MS OLE utility which turns text into an image which can be resized,
reshaped, coloured, have borders around the letters etc. very simply
indeed. I know I can use the Gimp, but it takes a lot more work to do
simple things this way. The Star Office version of this is a joke. The
availability of such a utility would be the one feature which would mean I
could be truly rid of MS Windows at home!

Take care.

Phillip Deackes
Using Debian Linux

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