Alfredo J. Cole said:

> (Putting on my anti-flame suit)
> Mandrake copied the RH installer at the early stages. Even the RH 5
> installer  would be a big advancement. How hard would it be to "debianize"
> that  installer?

the big issue with debian is all the architechtures it supports. I think
much of the mandrake/redhat installer is not portable to alpha, mips, ppc,
s390, arm, etc..

debian is working on a new installer back-end which, in time will make
it possible to use multiple front ends, including X. In a few years you
may end up seeing redhat/mandrake drop their installers for debian's new
one(though they may make their own front end) :)

I don't think debian would release an installer unless it ran on all
of their platforms.

but be patient, they are working hard on the new installer and it seems
to be progressing pretty well from what I've read. The debian group
has long admitted that the installer is a weakness, but because the
current one is so complex it has been nearly impossible to fix, so they
have been working on the ground-up rewrite. The release deadlines
prevented this from happening sooner(i.e. couldn't get enough of it done
before the freeze) so they had to revert to the original installer.

hopefully this time around there's enough time for them to get it
working, though I don't know if we'll see an official X11-based installer
for the next revision, I hope that they have the backend and a
ncurses-style installer done for the next release.


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