On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 03:05:21PM +0100, Bostjan Muller wrote:
> Hi!
> We recieved a few IBM PS/1 machines in our local cybercaffe, and would
> like to install linux on them, but none of the install floppies would
> recognize the disk controler nor the disk.
> If anyone has any information about installing linux on PS/1 machines
> I'd be verry gratefull, if he/she would share the information.

A few years back I installed on a IBM PS/2 386.  It had a MCA bus.  I
would imagine the PS/1 does also.  I don't know off the top of my head
if debian supports MCA.  When I installed (I think it was mutt) I had to
get special boot disks.  I found them with a web search.  I know there
isn't anything definitive in what I've said here but maybe it will give
you a start.  Does the bios recognize the drive?

To know the truth is to distort the Universe.
                      Alfred N. Whitehead (adaptation)

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