begin  ben quotation:
>    4. reply to the list only, unless specifically requested to cc:

This can happen because of a buggy mail client, or because the original
sender has set message flags to cause this to happen, which again can be
because of a buggy mail client or a deliberate configuration choice.

I use Mutt's "list reply" feature, and sometimes the other person has
set "Mail-followup-to" and so gets a CC:.  Then other respondents use
"group reply" and the problem escalates.

However, trimming the CC wouldn't be right, because setting
"Mail-followup-to" *IS* requesting a CC.

Shawn McMahon                    | Information may want to be free, but fiber               | optic cable wants to be one million US
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | dollars per mile.

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