> > 4.  Spell check.
> i think stipulating a spell check would impose too much on many
> non-native english speakers whose participation on this list is very
> valuable, and the purpose of the rules is to enable harmonious
> inclusion rather than exclusion. apart from that, misspelled words
> are hardly a great source of consternation.

I'm non native english speaker. I haven't tried to setup spell 
checking, but I guess it's not that hard.
Anyway, you could get a message with correctly spelled words, but the 
sentences will be simply bad formed or, at least, unusually written.

I'm almost sure there are in this few lines many examples of what I 
say, things written in a way no native english apeaker would ever 
write. I've learnt english by myself and never been in an english 
speaking country. You can understand what I write but you would hardly 
understand it if I were speaking, because of my untrained pronunciation.

I guess the message is clear enough anyway, since every time I post a 
message I got reasonable responses, so I've been correctly understood.

The spellchecker is pretty, but hardly useful enough as to require it 
to post to the list.

Daniel Toffetti     ---     'There is no spoon...' - The Matrix

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