On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 10:00:32PM +0700, Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim wrote:
> I believe that most packages will be upgraded when stable
> is changed from potato to woody. I guess that that process
> will be relatively slower since it has to delete/ replace
> the old packages first before installing the new ones. 
> Therefore, why not just installing from scratch?

If you install from scratch, you'll need to reconfigure everything.
In my experience, you'll be done a lot quicker if you just do the
dist-upgrade.  dist-upgrading also saves you the time of installing a
new base system.

> My own workstation is already a woody. It was a nightmare
> as well as slow when I switched from potato to woody a couple 
> of months ago. I noticed that installing from scratch is
> faster (I was installing another system from scratch that time).

Was the install from scratch CD-based and the upgrade network-based?
The only part of a dist-upgrade that I consider to be slow is waiting
for packages to download.  An easy way around that is to do `apt-get
-d dist-upgrade` just before going to bed/going home from work,
letting the packages download overnight, and then `apt-get
dist-upgrade`ing the next day.

> First, I installed the potato set, then I tried to upgrade
> it to woody. OK, I did not use "apt-get" for upgrading. 
> Instead, I was using "dselect". The upgrade process was slow, 
> because many interactive questions were asked.

The only questions which come up during an upgrade are those which
would also be asked on a fresh install and those that result from
config files having been customized after installation[1].  The first
type can be ignored, since they'll be there either way.  As for the
second type, I would expect answering the question to take less time
than repeating your customizations.

[1]  OK, not strictly true.  There are also things like the postgres
database format changing from potato to woody, but they're pretty

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