On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 08:30:07PM +0100, steve downes wrote:
| Just done my usual apt-get update, apt-get upgrade & 2 of my machines
| have "kept back" a number of upgrades without explanation. Any ideas
| why this is or where I can look to find out. Had a hunt through the
| log files to no effect.
| The kept back packages are:-
| abiword afterstep gettext gimp1.2 initrd-tools libwine rpm
| scrollkeeper wine xpdf

apt-get -s install abiword afterstep gettext gimp1.2 initrd-tools libwine rpm 
scrollkeeper wine xpdf

will list what would happen if you tried to install those packages.

The 'upgrade' action will not :
    o   remove packages
    o   install new packages
    o   install a package marked as 'hold' with "dpkg --set-selections"



A kindhearted woman gains respect,
but ruthless men gain only wealth.
        Proverbs 11:16
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