Ian D. Stewart wrote:

On 2002.05.26 23:04 Ron Johnson wrote:

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 21:11, John Griffiths wrote:
> >(A _continent_ got the crap bombed out of it?????
> just darwin

Darwinians (Darwinites?) obviously didn't like it much,
but it's an awful huge leap from "Darwin got the crap bombed
out of it" to "we got the crap bombed out of us".  (Unless
John P. Foster is from Darwin!!)

Given Australia's sparse population density, maybe not that much of a stretch...


I wasn't there - too young - but the 'city' was pretty much leveled. I did lose my Grandfather there though, he was ground staff at the Air Force base.

The figures on how many died are rather fuzzy, the official death toll was around 12 people, but it had to be at least 200, and an unknown number of Aboriginals died during the bombing.

Given that the population of Darwin was around 12000 at the time 200+ people was quite a lot. It could be that over 2000 people died during the bombing - no-one will really know as the Government suppressed all the news to avoid panic.

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