Dale Hair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > CIA's "School of the Americas" trained military men from most countries 
> > in South America in torturing and dirty war techniques. US supported 
> > economically and politically all of the coups d'etat during the '70s, 
> > mainly to stop the lefty political movements and guerrillas.
> But is life there better now than it was then?  (probably)  What would
> life be like in those countries now if the communist dictators were
> still in power.  War and conflicts are hell, but it's sometimes
> necessary for a better future.

In the cases of Guatemala and Chile, the USA sponsored coups against
democratically elected governments that replaced them with dictators.

Keith Willoughby
"I couldn't even find anything to read. The hotel shop 
 only had two decent books and I'd written both of them."
             - Douglas Adams

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