On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 07:38:39AM -0700, Walter Reed wrote:
> > I would just like to point out the legal saying that "big cases make bad
> > law."  We're all irritated by one moron's behavior; that's not necessarily
> > an argument for significant technical or policy changes.  By all
> > indications he's gone, and in any case by the end of the day no fewer than
> > four distinct solutions to his violations were posted.  Is there evidence
> > that this is a more general problem?
> Actually, yes. It's one of the worst cases of a problem.
> I also get a couple spams a day from the list. We also have the cases of 
> Windows
> users posting questions to the list because the barrier to post is zero.

The "close-the-list-to-nonsubscribers" discussion has been reiterated a
few times already.

One of Debian's strengths is openess. Complete transparancy. If we start
building barriers to block incoming ideas (sometimes bad ones, sometimes
spam), Debian becomes less open. On grounds of principle, I hope that
this list stays open.

> > Frankly, from my own observation, the more general problem is people who
> > can't grasp the concept of a listmaster, so send messages with
> > "unsubscribe" to the list. That seems easily soluble with a simple script.
> This is true, a script can help. Search for a very short message with
> "unsubscribe". This is a different type of problem.

And some people misspell "unsubscribe"... Some people post off-topic
messages. Sometimes there is spam. Sometimes people ask questions I
can't answer. But most of the time the list is very useful.

Karl E. Jørgensen
Please study http://www.rfc855.org

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