* Derrick 'dman' Hudson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020607 22:10]:
> [2002-06-07 23:55:40]: emerg: cannot get docroot information
> (/home/dman)

> drwx--x--x   92 dman     dman         4096 Jun  8 00:13 /home/dman

These 2 lines seem to make me think the problem is somehow related to
not having +r on /home/dman. Does changing that permission alleviate the

IIRC, it does something like traverse back up the directory tree to see
if the request is within a ~userdir, to see if it matches a Directory
directive, I think. Just a shot in the dark. A look at the source would
reveal exactly what the problem is (or at least where that error message
comes from).

good times,
Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
Please see http://www.doorstop.net/resume.shtml

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