On 08/06/02 Randolph S. Kahle did speaketh:

> I have a Woody installation and I am using the "Gnome chooser" when I
> log-on.
> When I create a "new session", I always get two panels (at the top and
> at the bottom of the desktop). This is the way I want my desktop to
> appear.
> Sometimes when I log back in to a named (already created) desktop, it
> appears without the top and bottom panel. I cannot figure out why the go
> away and I do not know how to bring them back in the already created
> session.
> Can someone tell me where the desktop configuration is stored and what
> information in that configuration needs to be changed to get my panels
> back?

    Unfortunately this is more of a gnome question. I'm personally running
sawfish and gnome-panel, but not the gnome-session that chews up my RAM with
IPC that I don't need. 
    The top and bottom panel is gnome-panel. When you login and gnome-panel
isn't there, look for it in the process table, and if it's not running, run
    Personally, bugs like these in a product that claims a 1.4 version are why
I don't use it.


Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix

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