On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 08:02:01AM -0500, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
>On 09 Jun 2002 05:38:15 +0200
>"Helgi Örn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just what I suspected; both StarOffice and OpenOfficeO seem to accept
>> only java 1.3.* and nothing else.
>Works fine with 1.4 here.

Yes .. it did, but they want to use 1.4 exclusive in the further
releases. :(
This will mean, that we will have no OpenOffice.org for PPC for a long
time. But this is not sure in this moment.

I wish Sun/OOo developer want to drop Java support in OOo in the future!

  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
 : :' : ** Debian GNU/ Linux **  |   ** OpenOffice.org **         ,.. ,..
 `. `'   http://www.debian.org   | http://www.openoffice.org    ,: ..`   `
   `-  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                             '  `  `

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