You might explain more about your printer arrangement.
Is your  Lexmark ExecJet 4076 Colorprinter connected 
to your Debian computer through the parallel port? 
[Or, perhaps your 4076 runs on an external ethernet printserver]

With which Debian package do you serve your printing?
   lpr-ppd      #I infer you use this.
You can tell which of these printserver packages is installed with,
   dpkg -l   '*lpr*'  '*cupsys*'

You might get some clues about your printing problems 
through debugging messages in,
For example, I often get the error message in lpr-log,
   laser: Write_pid: write failed - No space left on device

I got this error message because I log far too much 
through security tools into both /var/log and /var/mail/root,
I fill up my  1500MB /var  partition every week. 
So, for now, once a week, I check
   df  /var
If this says something like the following with "100%",
   Filesystem            1k-blocks  Used    Available Use% Mounted on
   /dev/scsi/IBM-18GB-p8 2082193    1988083  0        100% /var
then you must trim some files; eg,
   cat /dev/null   >/var/mail/root
   cat /dev/null   >/var/log/messages
or look for large files in /var, eg, find all files over 1MB,
   find /var  -size +1000000c   -ls
Of course, you are behooved to look at such large files for
security messages before you trim them 
[but I usually only look at the last few lines since my /var/mail/root
file gets 400MB in 1 week on a home computer, 
caused mostly by the package fcheck].

I will presume that you run the package "lpr" on a Lexmark 4076 printer
attached to your Debian computer's parallel port.  
[I have since got the impression you use lpr-ppd]

I gather you get no printing, as if either your Debian computer 
fails to send data to the printer or the printer fails.
With the parallel port printer connection, 
you can send some data directly to your printer through one of,
   cat /etc/hosts  >/dev/lp0    #first assigned printer in Debian woody
   cat /etc/hosts  >/dev/lp1
Many printers will print text directly so you should see 
at least one line of print, although without a print-filter 
(as invisibly used when you enter "lpr ..."),
you will often see just one line 
(since the printer never senses that it should do a carriage-return).
If this fails, either your printer behaves differently that I suspect,
or your printer has a problem.
My Lexmark Rt+ locks about every 2 months, so I turn it off-then-on.

If you can print something with  "cat /dev/hosts >/dev/lp0"  as above,
then you might try printing to your printer 
as a raw device using a /etc/printcap entry like my entry,
raw|Lexmark Optra Rt+ raw/unfiltered:\
For example, the following would probably suffice,
raw|Lexmark ExecJet raw:\
though you likely need to make the directory  /var/spool/lpd/raw  
and the file /var/log/lp-errs,
   drwx------  daemon  lp  /var/spool/lpd/raw/
   -rw-------  daemon  lp  /var/log/lp-errs
Note that the package "lpr" (but not the package "lprng") 
probably requires strict formatting in /etc/printcap.
Specifically, before each continuation line, 
you need a <tab> character not spaces 
(as probably seems the case in this email).
Additionally, each continuation line ending in "\"
should have nothing after it (no <space> and no <tab>).
Long ago, without this proper formattting, I had my printing fail.

I don't recall if "lpd" typically runs as a server,
but I believe it does normally run.
Although, you probably could run it with something like,
   /usr/sbin/lpd &
as hinted in  /etc/inetd.conf  
or in  /etc/init.d/lpd [/etc/init.d/lpd-ppd for you].
As your previous email indicates, "lpd" can be 
spawned through  /etc/initd.conf  when a printing client (like lpr)
contacts lpd's corresponding port.
With any changes to your /etc/printcap, you need to restart your "lpd"
daemon (if it normally runs) with something like,
   /etc/init.d/lpr-ppd  stop
   /etc/init.d/lpr-ppd  start

Presuming that "lpd" typically runs as a process,  
   ps auxw  |grep lp
you might change your startup file, 
probably through some parameter at the top of
If your package lpr-ppd seems problematic, you could reconfigure it,
   dpkg-reconfigure  lpr-ppd  -plow 
or reinstall it,
   dpkg    --purge  lpr-ppd
   apt-get install  lpr-ppd
You would want to save some of your /etc/printcap work in case
your "lpr-ppd" package doesn't help you configure for 
your Lexmark printer.

Oh, from your  /etc/init.d/lpd  line "/usr/sbin/pac",
I gather you use the printserver package
rather than the package lpr or lprng.
That lpr-ppd package description makes it seem a good package,
but I have never used it.

All text below is off the topic of printing.
I was incited by this Debian user using yet another print-server  
package, lpr-ppd, the only Debian print-server package I haven't used.

This points out a drawback (amongst the gains) with Linux's
offering of many alternatives:
  a. which printserver software is best used,
  b. does it matter which printserver software you use,
  c. email-lists like this will disperse people's expertise 
     to various alternative printserver software,
     diluting expertise on any one package 
     (non-monopoly dilution of expertise).
I have used the packages "lpr", "lprng", and "cupsys", 
but I haven't used the package "lpr-ppd".

All we users could use an overview of the variety of packages 
for a particular use, with hints about the better packages.
I wish Debian would give a suggested list 
of several alternative packages and comments for
   a. mail-transport-agent      
      exim, exim-tls, smail, sendmail, postfix, courier-mta; 

      I have spent over 180 hours on various mail-transport-agents
      for my home---this is egregious!

   b. mail-reader
      Mutt, Evolution, Aethera, Magellan, exmh, XFMail, netscape, nmh,
      sylpheed, balsa, spruce, kmail, tkmail, ... 

   c. Print serving             
      cups, lpr, lprng, lpr-ppd

      Cups is the default print-server for Redhat, 
      and is easily configurable in Netscape.

   d. ftp-server                
      proftp, wu-ftp, ftpd, bsd-ftpd, ...

      Proftp has largely supplanted wu-ftp, 
      which had previously supplanted other ftp-servers.

   e. syslog            
      syslog-ng, sysklogd

      Syslog-ng has much more configurability.

   g. X display manager
      xdm, gdm kdm, wdm;

      I sense more configurability for xdm; eg, for multiple X servers.

   h. X windows manager 
      Fvwm, gnome, kde, tkdesk, fluxbox, 
      enlightenment (I gather this has passed consideration),
      icewm, icewm-gnome, icewm-lite, twm, sawfish, sawfish-gnome, 
      blackbox, afterstep, xfce, olwm, wmaker, ...

      Gnome and Kde dominate on new systems, but Fvwm is more
      configurable and more-awkwardly configurable. 

   i. microsoft-word-viewer     
      wv, mswordview, antiword, abiword, kword, open-office

      I basically avoid word documents for lack of guidance,
      particularly in default installation. 
      I suspect the more accurate but slowest solution would use
      Open-Lffice, but to effectively use it, 
      I would need to configure things like mime in
      mutt, netscape, konqueror, galleon, opera, mozilla, and skipstone.
      While there are surely some configuration commonalities,
      configuring this would probably take 20 hours [20 minutes if I had
      it down pat],
      only to be broken on the next upgrade or installation of Crossover.

   j. vi editor         
      vim, vi, nvi, vigor, stevie, elvis, vile, xvile

      Vim dominates.

   k. calculator                
      calctool, calc, xcalc, bc, R, octave, rpncalc, 
      alcalc, perl -wlne'print eval' [as an alias or function]

      Octave lets you calculate and use software similar 
      to enginering software MatLab, so it is a full-blown 
      engineering software taking some time to learn.
      Similarly, R is full-blown statistical software similar to S-Plus,
      so it takes even more time to learn [quit with "q()"], 
      but has more cutting edge statistical tools 
      than the commercial S-Plus package.
      Calctool has the look of a user-friendly calculator.
      bc can be found on every Unix, is rather simple, 
      and uses readline, so you can repeat/edit previous commands.

   l. X terminal emulator
      xterm, Konsole [with tabs!], gnome-terminal, multi-gnome-terminal,
      rxvt, eterm, kterm, aterm, xvt, aterm

      Konsole and multi-gnome-terminal have tab buttons 
      for multiple xterms within the same "xterm".
      xterm is the original "xterm", 
      several xterm's are based on the slimmed-down rxvt. 

   m. fax                       
      Does fax software work without a day of configuration? 

   n. debian package selection 
      apt-get, tasksel, aptitude, deity-curses, deity-gtk, kpackage, 
      gnome-apt, ximian red carpet, synaptic, raptor,dselect, ...

      Most people seem to use apt-get, some people use dselect when they
      get in a bind but many remain stuck in dselect for 10 hours before
      they get through it, aptitude is a curses front-end to apt.
      How should one handle debian packages?

Just to mention what most Debian users should ignore 
would help most Debian users.
Or, give we users some guidelines.
For example, any GUI mail-reader will greatly hinder 
reading mail remotely 
(you would then avoid exmh, XFMail, balsa,Kmail, tkmail, ...), 
but you would get great speed from mutt, the preferred editor 
by Debian users.

One approach to finding which software to use is,
But this popularity contest represents more older systems 
and default installations, rather than the exptertise 
of Debian's hundreds of developers.
For example, the most installed mail-reader is "mailx",
but hardly anyone deliberately uses this mail-reader. 
So, this popularity site largely wastes one's time.

When each Debian user spends HUNDREDS of hours trying software,
then trying its alternative, then trying another alternative,
then reading email-lists about what others say about the alternatives, 
..., then we have slowed the usage of Debian.
Users need not decide between over 13 email-readers,
when they could be told that experts prefer Mutt, 
although either Evolution or Kmail will likely dominate the
dummed-down business world.

On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 12:36:06PM +0200, Tinus Kotzé wrote:
> Thanx alot for the post
> The reason why the HP is BW could be one of 2
> 1. There is a lot of printers based on the 4076, including the ExecJet
> IIc which i have
> 2. It could be that that specific driver only supports B&W. My printer
> does have a cartridge changer for B&W and color.
> Everything worked fine, but when I try to connect to my local host I
> don't get anything. I checked in /etc/services and the port is open.I
> also checked in the inetd conf's and the port was also open there.
> Should lpd still be running? If found the following line in the
> beginning which I think might cause it to exit since I don't get any
> messages after running /etc/init.d/lpd (with _start_ or nothing).
>       test -x $DAEMON -a -f /usr/sbin/pac ||exit
> Any advise?
> Thanx in advance
> Tinus
> On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 02:27, Jameson C. Burt wrote:
> > 
> > You might try CUPS 
> > (which I believe RedHat now uses as the default print server,
> > replacing the lpr package).
> > You can find CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) in woody.
> > I installed    
> >   *cupsys
> >    cupsys-bsd
> >    cupsys-client
> >    cupsys-driver-gimpprint
> >    cupsys-pstoraster
> >    kdelibs3-cups
> >   *foomatic-bin
> >   *foomatic-db
> >   *cupsomatic-ppd
> > The last package includes 918  *.ppd  files, including
> >    /usr/share/cups/model/IBM/Execjet_4072-bj200.ppd
> > While this isn't your 4076, perhaps its close enough.
> > 
> > You configure CUPS via a local webpage,
> >    http://localhost:631
> > 
> > Installation of cups removed my print server package lprng,
> > but then I only expect one printserver to dominate printing on one
> > computer.
> > 
> > I see your 4076 mentioned in the Unix printer compatability database,
> >
> > There, select Lexmark, then select 4076.
> > This spawns a webpage that says this Lexmark 4076 printer
> >    "Works with drivers for the HP DeskJet 500"
> > But this also says the Lexmark 4076 is a
> >    "BW Inkjet 300x300"
> > while you say it is a Colorprinter (hmmm).
> > 
> > I also see your printer mentioned on Lexmark's site,
> >
> > and their website you probably visited,
> >
> > If you download one of their drivers (eg, one for Windows 95, 76WN313E.EXE),
> > then run that *.exe file on the appropriate computer, you likely get a
> > *.ppd file that you can use in CUPS. 
> > But this is a too involved a solution, 
> > though I have seen Linux documentation mention this very solution:
> > to run a *.exe file then get the needed *.ppd file.
> > 
> > Of course, as said above, the cupsomatic-ppd supplied 4072 *.ppd might work 
> > well under CUPS.
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 12:41:41PM +0200, Tinus Kotzé wrote:
> > > Can anyone help me with the Lexmark ExecJet IIc 4076 Colorprinter. I
> > > have searched the net and could not find a solution for my problem
> > > getting this printer to work. At lexmark's page everything goes well
> > > until I have to state a operating system where the choices are only
> > > Redhat, SuSe... but not Debian and no source to compile the drivers with
> > > for Debian. I have found that it supposedly works in B&W ok with the HP
> > > DeskJet 500.
> > > 
> > > Thankyou in advance
> > > Tinuns

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