djb's dns, but it's a slight pain to install. There is a debian source
package somewhere. Also see but I don't
recommending installing his package (he dumps all sorts of crap in /etc).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shri Shrikumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian User List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: most secure services (DNS, Web, Mail)

> Hi All,
> Ive finally decided to venture and let people see my machine permanently
> connected to the net. This machine is of course running debian. It is
> running testing as of a couple of months or so. I plan to let it go into
> woody and stay there (upgraded to woody so many months ago primarily for
> iptables)
> The machine is 200Mhz with 96Mb RAM. It already takes care of my
> personal as well as some work mail(including this list) and apache for
> the webmail stuff and PHPgroupware, so its under a bit of
> load(Masquerade, Exim, IMAP, Procmail, Spamassasin, Apache, PHP etc.)
> Im about to buy a domain name and host that on this server. Im a little
> paranoid about letting people access this machine from the world. Due to
> this, I would like to know what the most secure services that I can run
> on this server. I want it to handle dns for this domain as well as the
> web and mail.
> I am on ADSL and so have a static ip address and intend to use this ip
> for hosting this domain. Maybe even try some virtual hosting.
> What would you guys recommend for this setup. I am using bind just now
> which I hear is a pita for security. Doing a apt-cache search with
> secure dns brings up maradns.
> I haven't noticed much security issues with exim on the net. Where would
> the best place be to find information about stopping the server from
> relaying mail for anyone else as well.
> Also, how secure is Apache / PHP. I would guess that there wouldn't be
> many issues considering that around 60% of all web servers around the
> world are running Apache last time I checked(albeit a few years ago)
> Im really not expecting many hits on this size (dozen a day or so) and
> the email from this site wouldn't be that much either.
> I am however, considering upgrading this into a PII with 450MHz and
> 128Mb to 256Mb Memory.
> I would really appreciate any advice on this. I dont have a DMZ just now
> and can't really afford one.
> Thanks for your time,
> Shri
> --
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