make-kpkg keeps dying on me. I've tried several different kernel-source
packages, but they all seem to die in pretty much the same way:

When I run

  fakeroot make-kpkg kernel_image

make-kpkg runs through the kernel configuration, and then does this:

  *** End of Linux kernel configuration.
  *** Check the top-level Makefile for additional configuration.
  *** Next, you must run 'make dep'.

  make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.10-2.4.10'
  /usr/bin/make -f ./debian/rules dummy_do_dep
  make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.10-2.4.10'
  make[1]: *** No rule to make target `dummy_do_dep'.  Stop.
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.10-2.4.10'
  make: *** [stamp-kernel-configure] Error 2

Does anyone know what this means? I've been using make-kpkg for over a
year with no problems, but this started happening a week or so ago.

 /V\   Lance Simmons

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