> I have just installed woody from scratch (due to trying ext3fs);
> and then I run "tasksel". I selected "X11"; and then choose
> "kdm" out of "xdm", "gdm", and "kdm".
> Apparently, it installs everything, unfortunately it does not

A suggestion.  It is possible to run 'tasksel -t' and select what you
want, then finish.  The -t is test mode and won't actually run
anything.  But it will print the apt-get line that it would have
installed without the -t option.  I find that useful.  Use that output
as a starting point hint and run apt-get yourself manually.  Avoid
installing what you don't want.  In this way I can install
'automake1.5' instead of the older 'automake' and so forth.

For my own personal situation I plan to create my own metapackage that
will pull these things in to make this simpler for me.  Right now I
just install a long list of 'good stuff'.  But I am installing Debian
almost regularly on different machines these days and a meta package
customized for my installation so as to avoid tasksel would be useful.

Sorry I can't help with the rest of your question.  But hopefully this
is useful by itself.


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