On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 01:22:12PM -0700, Paul Scott,,, wrote:
> When I run apt-get update on the other machine I get 111 connection refused.
> Do I need something in /etc/exports or /etc/hosts.allow?

A quote from the README:

Q: A connection cannot be established with apt-proxy on a remote machine.
   Nothing appears in the apt-proxy.log file.

A: apt-proxy is run by tcpd, which may deny connections depending on how it is
   set up.  If a connection is denied by tcpd, you will find a log message in
   /var/log/daemon.log such as:
       apt-proxy[nnnn]: refused connect from <hostname>

   You should check /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny.  For example, the standard
   ALL: PARANOID in /etc/hosts.deny will deny acess to clients whose hostname
   cannot be looked up.


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