On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 05:32:09AM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ok, I managed to get my potato baked, and despite some problems with
> Xwindows I got that as well as gnome running (with mouse!)..
> .however there are a few things that didn't quite work out
> properly.
> - Xwindows starts up into 640 x 480 8 bit color mode. It should run 32 bit
> colors under 1280 x 1024?!? How to change into 32 bit color?
> Cycling modes with 'ctrl-alt-+' shows only 8 bit the color modes...

Which xserver are you using? If the server can take what you want, you
should take a look at your XF86Config, otherwise take a look at the
other xservers.

> - Mouse buttons are kind of strange. 'Windows' menu works with any button, as
> does 'window select' but I cannot get the 'Applications' menu to show up with
> any mouse button binding.. any ideas?

I don't really know what you mean. Are you referring to keys on your
keyboard that you have added bindings to so that they emulate mouse

> Minor probs:
> - Netscape is not working. 'dpgk --status netscape' says 'purge ok not
> installed'. 'apr-get install netscape' says 'Some packages could not be
> installed... impossible situation.. ..or you are using unstable 
> distribution..'
> etc, well this is the stable one?

Does your sources.list have contrib & non-free entries? You need them to
install Netscape.

> I would like to use an browser with secure connections, so the mozilla I
> am currently using isn't good enough.. Maybe go to 'testing' distro and
> update the whole works?

It would probably be an easier upgrade if you do it before everything is

And as a final note, it is generally preferred if lines are wrapped at
72 characters, not 80.


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