On 19-Jun-2002 David Richmond wrote:
> Hello!
> Having just switched to Debian (woody) from SuSE 7.3, I recall that, under 
> SuSE, I had to download and compile the CVS snapshot of the gphoto2 digital 
> camera library to get my Canon PowerShot A40 digital camera recognizable 
> under Linux.  The version of gphoto2 that ships with SuSE 7.3 was an older 
> one that did not support the A40.  The version of gphoto2 in woody, not 
> surprisingly, also does not include support for the A40.  The version in 
> unstable doesn't either.
> How can I download the gphoto2 source from CVS (cvs.gphoto.sourceforge.net), 
> compile, and debianize it so that it can then be installed by the packaging 
> system?
> Thanks!

apt-get source gphoto2
then grab the source from the upstream.  Untar the new source, copy the debian/
dir over.  Edit debian/changelog to reflect the new version number.  Then do
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc.

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