On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 08:48:35PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 10:51:16PM -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
| > | If you can't use PAM to do this, then is there a way to copy out PAM
| > | data to an exim-compatible file?
| > 
| > Yeah, make a file (eg /etc/exim/passwd) such as
| > 
| > ----
| > user:{md5}4528e6a7bb9341c36c425faf40ef32c3
| Is there a way to automate this?  Like a script I can throw into a
| nigtly cron job or something?

Of course :-).

Here's an example that presumes that md5 hashes are longer than 10
characters and other passwords are crypt()ed.  It omits users where
the password field contains a single character (system users) and the
'root' and 'sashroot' accounts.

# awk -F: '
/^(sash)?root:/ { next }
/^[^:]*:.[^:]/ {
    if ( length($2) > 10 )  
         { print $1 ":{md5}" $2 }
    else { print $1 ":"      $2 }
' /etc/shadow

| > | <AOL!>
| > 
| > I needed dict to figure this one out.  Definition #1 fits well, and is
| > amusing!
| I woulda tried The Jargon File directly first, but then again
| http://ursine.dyndns.org/jargon/ is an official mirror...

Well, when using 'view' as mutt's pager, typing
    :!dict AOL
is easier and faster than looking up the Jargon File.  Besides, dict
looks in the Jargon File -- that's where definintion #1 came from :-).



He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
        Proverbs 13:24

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